If you get through the first two weeks of your Decompression Protocol at Schierling Chiropractic, LLC (every weekday ---10 sessions) and there is absolutely no improvement in your condition, you will be offered a refund of half the cost of your Spinal Decompression Protocol (minus any credit card or financing fees). You do not have to accept it --- I have had patients who do not start coming around until the third or fourth week ---- but it will be offered.
Although I would love to 'guarantee' you that I can help every single person's unique disc-related problem(s), unfortunately I have run into a few people whose situation was too far gone ---- they did not respond. Although our Spinal Decompression Protocol has saved many people from spinal surgery, spinal surgery is, unfortunately, always a possibility when dealing with severe spinal problems. Who else is offering this sort of deal on their Spinal Decompression Therapy program? No one I know of. For complete financial information, go HERE.