Monday, September 6, 2010 --- I knew I should have never helped Don lift the boat onto the hitch, but after our little "incident" at the boat ramp, what was I supposed to do? The place was packed because it was Labor Day, and people were getting terribly impatient. Sure, my back has given me some periodic grief over the past 20 years, but whose hasn't? But this is the worst it's ever been. I wish there would have been someone there that we knew who could have helped Don besides me. I guess I'll call into work and go visit my chiropractor tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 --- Great; I did not get my bonus. All I have to do is show up for work the day after any major holiday and I automatically make a $150 bonus. Oh well. Last nite was miserable. I'm not sure I could have worked if the bonus would have been $150,000! Could not sleep and coughing or sneezing put me on the floor. I've had this before, but it's different this time. Don't know how I'm going to work tomorrow either. The chiropractor did not really help me. He wants me to come back every day this week.
Friday, October 1, 2010 --- Was able to work this week, but it was miserable to say the least. Could not get my mind off of my back pain. Have given up on the chiropractor. I called for a doctor's appointment and they can get me in three weeks from next Wednesday. I'll either be dead or cured by then. And I'll have to miss another day of work.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 --- The doctor's office was a total waste of time. Dr. Kate gave me pain pills, muscle relaxers, and arthritis medication. For Pete's sake, I'm only 43 years old. I told her that it is all I can do to get through a day of work. I have only been to church one time in the last 6 weeks, and my own daughter does not trust me to hold little Lauralee. I knew it might be a problem when she saw me stumble on the stairs a few days ago. Couldn't help it. My leg plain gave out. I don't have time for this!!!!!!
Friday, November 19, 2010 --- I can't believe this. Everyone is coming here for Thanksgiving dinner and I can barely function. The medication makes me feel loopy (not to mention the constipation) and I don't think they're really working any more anyway. I do not want to schedule an MRI, but Don told me that I have no choice. Our deductible is so high that we will have to pay for most of it out of pocket. They said they can get me scheduled in a couple of weeks. Don is going to take a personal day to take me to Springfield because I am not sure I can drive that far.
Friday / Saturday, New Year's Eve, 2011 --- It's now 2011 and I cannot believe this is still going on. The truth is, I am getting worse. Who would've thought that I have three HERN, and two more discs that are severely I ATED DISCSDEGENERATIVE? I know that doctor Kate means well, but Physical Therapy has not helped me at all. And now she wants me to go to a pain specialist who is going to put shots in my back. I'm not sure about this. I really want to go back to work but I cannot stand the leg pain any more. Staying in any position for more than a few minutes just kills me. I just do not feel that more pain meds and shots will help me now when it has not helped me so far. Why can't someone do something about my pain?
Monday, March 28, 2011 ---- All I can say is no more shots! At first I told Don they were helping. But I had the third one just three days ago, and the pain has returned with a vengeance. Heaven knows, I have never touched a drop of alcohol in my entire life --- but I am ready to start! I cannot take much more of this. Doctor Kate scheduled me with a neurosurgeon that she knows in Springfield. But that appointment is not until the middle of June. I don't know if I can make it til then.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 --- That specialist was an ass! He just does not get it. I am not looking to go on Disability and I am not after more drugs! All I want is to live a normal life again. I was going to tough it out but Don told me two weeks ago I had to either quit work or take a leave of absence. Believe me, quitting sounds good right now. But staying home from work does not make the pain any better. In fact, there is nothing at home to take my mind off of the pain. I am starting to feel like I have become my pain. I am at my breaking point and don't know what to do. Don has been a gem. I hate the fact that I have not felt like having sex since this all started. My first granddaughter is growing up in front of me and I cannot hold her. Please God; I just want my old life back.
Friday, August 2, 2011 ---- Back to the specialist today. What a waste! I can't believe that the best he can do is request I have another MRI. He says I will probably need surgery, but wants to make sure first. Sounds like he wants to make some money. After the debacle last year with Don's bosses wife, I don't want any part of SPINAL SURGERY. She had problems a lot like mine and over a year after her surgery, she is worse than ever. But I guess I don't really have a choice. It's been almost one year since all of this began and I feel like I'm treading water. If I don't get help soon, I'm not sure what I am going to do. My specialist gave me that stupid little electric shocker to use on my back. Worthless! I truly feel like I am going crazy. I cannot do anything fun anymore and all I ever think about is my low back and right leg. I feel like I have become my leg (HERE). My doctor has prescribed me three different pain pills, muscle relaxers, and an ANTIDEPRESSANT. I thought that Doctor Kate and I were friends but after she told me that Depression might be causing my back pain and prescribed me an anti-depressant, I realized that she doesn't really "get it" either. I am supposed to go to my niece's wedding in Kansas City next week. There's no way.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 --- Finally; a ray of hope. I am actually scheduled for surgery next month, but someone told Don about Dr. Russell Schierling over in Mountain View. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I called his Office Manager Tracy and scheduled a free consultation. She was quite sweet and directed me to his website on Spinal Decompression Therapy. I'll look at it tomorrow when I'm not so exhausted by the pain.
Thursday, November 3, 2011 --- All I can say is wow! Could I possibly avoid surgery after all? I sat down and talked with Dr. Schierling today and am reservedly optimistic for the first time in over a year. He went over my MRI report and explained what all those big words really mean, and pointed me towards information on his website. He was up front with me and told me that my case was particularly bad (multiple Disc Herniations and multiple Degenerative Discs), but that he had helped many people with equally bad or worse spines. He is the first doctor I have talked to who not only understands what I am going through, but seems to actually care whether or not I get better. He said that if I was not showing any improvement at the halfway point of my treatment, he would refund half my money. No one has done that before. After watching a bunch of his PATIENT TESTIMONIAL VIDEOS, I am completely convinced I am in the right place. If anyone can help me, he can.
Thursday, November 24 (Thanksgiving Day) 2011 ---- Dr. Schierling did his formal examinations yesterday. Even though he did simple examinations a couple of weeks ago, he wanted to do very thorough baseline exams so that we could see what kind of improvement I make once I start my Decompression Treatment. After what I have been through, the exams were a breeze. Oh, a few of them were a bit uncomfortable. But after what the Physical Therapist put me through........ And they were nothing like that Nerve Conduction Test. Oh, and I actually got to keep my clothes on. We start the Spinal Decompression on Monday morning.
Monday, November 28, 2011 ---- I had my first session of Spinal Decompression Therapy this morning. I can't say that I really feel better, but I certainly do not feel worse. Dr. Schierling said it would probably take several sessions before I saw any big changes. While I was waiting to see Dr. Schierling, a woman described to Tracy how she raked leaves for the first time in over five years. She is halfway through her Decompression Treatments, and said she feels at least 70% better. After talking with her for just a moment, I learned that only three weeks ago she was in basically the same condition that I was.
Monday, December 12, 2011 ---- I am almost in shock. This is the day that I was originally scheduled to have back surgery. Thank God I listened to Dr. Schierling and tried Spinal Decompression Therapy first! I am at least 50% improved and am actually sleeping through the night. I went to church yesterday for the first time in months and surprised everyone. They could not believe how well I was doing. I felt like cleaning house, but Dr. Schierling warned me to follow his directions, let my back heal, and not stress it more than needed right now. He explained to me that the discs are in the process of healing but still have a long way to go.
Monday, December 26, 2011 --- I still can't believe it. I am about 80% out of pain, and have not taken a pain pill in nearly two weeks. We actually drove to Columbia to spend Christmas weekend with Don's folks. Three and a half hours in the truck was a breeze. I'm not sure that the bed we slept in did me any favors, but all in all I told Dr. Schierling I feel good. Oh, and I can pick up my granddaughter without any pain. She calls me MeMaw and loves for me to read to her. And believe me, Don loves the fact that I am starting to feel like my old self again!
Friday, January 20, 2012 ---- I actually broke down and cried in Dr. Schierling's office. When he released me from care today, he asked me to do a patient testimonial video. I could barely get through it without bawling like a baby. I kept thinking about how bad things used to be compared with how good they are now. There was a time when I thought I was just going to have to live like that --- for the rest of my life. Looking back, I'm not sure how long I could have done it ---- and I honestly have no idea how I did it as long as I did. I am following my Home Protocol to the tee and doing everything just like Dr. Schierling told me to do. The INVERSION is great, and the exercises are not difficult. He told me that If I have any the slightest inkling that the problem is returning, just call the office. He offers short Decompression Protocols (3-5 visits) that are a fraction of the cost of my original protocol. I am so happy that my pain is gone --- I'm telling everyone I know about Dr. Schierling and Spinal Decompression Therapy!
Have you been struggling with back pain and leg pain? If so; this could be your story too. All you have to do to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr. Schierling is call (417) 934-6337. Unfortunately, NOT EVERYONE IS A GOOD CANDIDATE for Spinal Decompression Therapy. But if you are, it could change your life!